Showcasing the EULiST Virtual Sustainable Campus
A student online workshop “Showcasing the EUST Virtual Sustainable Campus”, was organized by EUST WG Campus, and successfully conducted on June 11th, 2021. Undergraduate and postgraduate Theses from the National Technical University of Athens (GR), the Leibniz University Hannover (DE), the BRNO University of Technology (CZ) and the University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (ES) were presented. This was followed by smaller group discussion divided into 4 topics: “Wish list for the virtual campus”, “What is a sustainable campus”, “Common thread” and “Digital infrastructure coordination”, as a first step in growing the collaboration among the EUST Universities.
A second workshop on: “EULiST Campuses as a microcosm modelling the transition to sustainable solutions” projects was organized by NTUA on April 8, 2022, to increase interdisciplinary collaborations and networking among the EULiST partners. Short and long-term activities, exchange of information about the status of the projects and improved ways of collaboration and methodologies, particularly considering the Higher Education Impact Ranking, were presented.
The overall conclusions can be summarized as follows: i. Explore what can be improved on the campuses, considering best practices and knowledge and ii. Launch a “common digital campus” independently administered but sharing computing and e-learning centers, digital libraries, (digital and physical) common space areas, projects’ outcomes.