Τhe European University “EULiST”, funded by the European Union, has officially launched
After the approval of funding by EU, the European University EULiST, “European Universities linking Society and Technology”, with NTUA participating as a partner, officially started its activities on 1 November 2023. EULiST aims to create knowledge and training to address the challenges that humanity is facing such as Climate Change, Digital Transition and Social inclusion for the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.
Within this framework the Project Coordinator Leibniz University Hannover organized the Kick-of-Meeting, at Hannover on 2-3 November where Presidents, Rectors, and other representatives and students from the 10 Universities participated. NTUA was represented by the Rector, Professor A. Boudouvis, Co-chair of the EULiST Governing Board, the Vice Rector of Research and Life Long Education Professor I. Chatjigeorgiou, Professor Katerina Adam, EULiST – NTUA Scientific Coordinator, and K. Yiannakopoulou, Ph. D Candidate, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, member of the EULiST Students Board.
During the meeting the next actions of the Alliance for the achievement of its strategic objectives, as defined in the specific Work Packages (WP) and Tasks, were discussed. The need to identify the relative strengths of the partners and the cooperation in order to maximise their impact in areas such as the Digital Campus for the support of educational and research activities, international mobility and outreach was highlighted. Communication and Dissemination, students active engagement and the contribution of stake holders in the EULiST activities were noted as pivotal parameters for its success.
NTUA participating as the Leader of the WP Research and Innovation and the Tasks referring to External funding, Digital Campus, AI, and Outreach beyond Europe is actively involved and aims at the successful achievement of the EULiST objectives, for Linking Society with Technology.