EUI Call 2023 proposal submission
As decided by the Governing Board during the Madrid meeting, a new proposal for the funding of EULiST Alliance has been prepared and submitted under the Erasmus+ EUI Call 2023 for topic 2 “Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation”.
The substantial input of the evaluators of the first proposal of EULiST for the Erasmus+ 2022 call has been fully integrated into this new proposal for the 2023 call along with other innovations and improvements.
The preparation of the joint proposal of ten Universities, submitted on January 31st 2023, was a demanding, yet very creative process, with the catalytic participation of NTUA Team in the writing team of the proposal, the responsibility of WP4 EULiST Research and Innovation, the writing of impact and dissemination section, and the lead /colead of important tasks, and in particular external revenue, Digital Campus, AI tools for Education beyond Europe. NTUA has also prepared and hosts EULiST pilot central website.